Our vision

Our vision is to improve children’s educational opportunities including being skilled in English. We hope that it will increase the chances of completing a secondary education and hereby giving the children more opportunities for a future job.

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Village kids



Orphanage kids


How do we support education?

Agi Projects supports 23 village kids and 35 orphanage kids with improving educational opportunities by giving them extra classes in English after school.

23 village kids are living in very poor village families who cannot afford sending their kids to school. Agi Projects is supporting the annual school fees of these 23 village kids. In special cases where families are extremely poor Agi Projects supports these families individually with the challenges that they are facing.

Why is so English important?

It is a strong motivation for Agi Projects to support kids’ education and especially their English skills. In Tanzania Primary School is being taught in Swahili and Secondary School is being taught in English. So, if the kids are not learning English very well in Primary School, they will apparently be very challenged when entering Secondary School. For this reason, we have decided to hire two English teachers to give them additional classes of English.

Agi Projects is aiming to sponsor the annually school fees, a daily nutritious lunch and extra English classes. We believe that this will contribute to better opportunities for the kids to do well during their education.
