projects through the years

  • 2016

    Establishment of the educational program and registering the 20 village kids in the first year of school. Donations of school uniforms and school materials for all orphanage- and village kids. Registering a yearly health care insurance for all the kids. Donating a cow for slaughtering to make a good dinner for the orphanage kids and village families. Shipping 8 boxes of donations from Denmark sponsored by DHL. Donations of school uniforms and school materials. Registering the kids in the health care insurance system and supporting annually
  • March 2016

    First health care check of the kids. From this health care check by coincidence, we find one girl being tested positive to HIV. Faraja is at this moment 6 years old and apparently is born with HIV since her mom died from AIDS. Faraja had never been tested for HIV so before this moment she didn’t take any medicine. After this health care check Faraja now daily takes her medicine to be able to live with HIV. This is Faraja.
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  • April 2016

    Emmanuel is a 1-year-old boy from the village who at this moment is very sick. His family doesn’t have money to send him to hospital. We decide to support his treatment at the hospital and some extra support for his family. Fortunately, Emmanuel’s conditions become better after his check-up at the hospital. Emmanuel’s parents have in total four kids and they are all sleeping in one single madras in a little room. We continue to follow and support Emmanuel and his family. Unfortunately, shortly after, the parents abandon all four kids and the kids become registered as orphans at the orphanage. image_description image_description image_description
  • October 2016

    The educational program is being established. We are getting into contact with 20 very poor village families whose children are supposed to begin school but the parents cannot afford the school fees. 20 village kids are being gathered in our educational program and preparations for their first year of school in January 2017 are being made. image_description
  • 2017

    20 village kids are beginning their first year of school, getting new school uniforms and school materials.
    Donation of a yearly health care insurance for all orphanage and village kids.
    Building an English class room and hiring the first English teacher.
    Donating 20 chickens to the orphanage with the aim of making the orphanage more sustainable producing eggs for the kids.
    The 20 village kids are participating together with 35 orphanage kids in English classes which is being facilitated at the orphanage area.
    Repairing beds of the orphanage and buying new matrasses for all 35 orphanage kids.
  • January 2017

    The village kids and orphanage kids are beginning their first year of primary school. We support them with school fees, new uniforms and school materials all the year. Our wish is to continue supporting this group of kids with education and hopefully one day see them graduate. image_description image_description
  • August 2017

    Most of the beds at the orphanage were in a bad condition with destroyed bed frame and holes in the madrassas. We sponsored a reparation of all the beds and bought new madrassas for all 35 orphanage kids. image_description image_description
  • November 2018

    Renovation of the orphanage toilets. The construction of new toilet facilities.
    A dinner for all orphanage kids at a restaurant in Moshi Town.
    A one-day trip for the kids on a tour around the Kilimanjaro-region.
    Health care check of all orphanage- and village kids.
  • October 2019

    The kids were invited on a trip to a coffee plantation and waterfalls. This also included a big lunch at a local family’s coffee plantation.
    Dinner for all orphanage kids and village families included the slaughtering of two goats.
  • January 2022

    Extension of school fees and health care insurance for village kids. Arrangement of games and a dinner for all kids at a restaurant in Moshi Town. A one-day trip to Tanzania’s second largest city Arusha. The kids were seeing high-rise buildings, elevators and escalators for the first time. A trip to hot springs. The kids were trying to learn how to swim. A super dinner for all orphanage kids and village families with the slaughtering of two goats. The women of the families were preparing the dinner. image_description image_description
  • 2023

    Excursion in Arusha
    We accompanied 40 children on an excursion to the third largest city in Tanzania, Arusha. We visited a Masai village and a snake park.
    Excursion to waterfall and coffee plantation in Materuni
    20 children from the village were invited to go on an excursion to a large waterfall and a coffee plantation. We also concluded here with a super lunch. image_description
    Big dinner at the orphanage We bought a cow, vegetables and fruits for a big dinner where were participating more than 100 people.
    Donation of 6 laptops for the English program
    Follow up of the Sewing Program image_description Bringing Clothes, medicine and school material for the kids
    image_description Recostruction of Sewing room image_description Health care day for orphange and village kids image_description Payment of school fee for 20 kids image_description Helping and providing food for village families image_description
  • 2024

    Purchase of food and clothes for more than 20 poorest and most needy families in the village. image_description image_description • We paid the annual fee for 17 village children to attend primary school and health insurance for the 21 children of the village.. Additionally, we provided new school uniforms and school supplies. image_description image_description image_description • Purchase of 6 bicycles for the children of the village to shorten the transportation time to the secondary school (16 km in total every day). image_description • Grant for the renovation of the toilets in a local school with 511 children. image_description image_description • Excursion for 30 orphanage children and 21 village children. image_description