Agi Projects is a 100 % non-profit
organization that supports
educational opportunities for orphanage-and village kids in the northern region of Tanzania.

The organization is run by the board members of the association consisting of Vincenzo Mastromartino and Amanda Cecilie Hansen together with the organization’s permanent sponsors and members who support with a monthly/yearly donation to the organization’s charity programs. 

We, Vincenzo and Amanda, are often travelling to Tanzania (self-administered travel) in order to follow up on the current projects and to meet the kids and follow their growth. We know each and every child whom we are supporting. Most of them we have known since 2016 where they entered first day of school.

Agi Projects was established in 2018. However, the volunteer work began two years earlier in 2016 when Amanda for the first time went to Tanzania to do volunteer work at the orphanage in Newland village. Ever since we have been supporting the education of orphanage- and village kids with donations from people having a relation to us and our organization.

Our motivation is to make children having an education and learning English fluently since we believe that it will give them better opportunities for their future.

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We can't help everyone, but everyone can help someone